Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another Day Another Adventure of a School Marm

Now I am afraid this story will not be half as funny in writing because to laugh you might need my voices and actions to make it come to life but I am going to try anyways.....
     So as life takes over and my list gets longer and longer a few subtle things happen namely lack of sleep. When my to list is longer than hours in the day and I am going on four hours of sleep for the past five days then you are talking about a perfect combination to allow for a minor (or major) meltdown by this School Marm and that is exactly what happened about a week ago.
      I have a group of students who spend every lunch in my room. Well one day one of the boys brought Top Ramen for his lunch and left the wrapper on the back counter. My least favorite part of the job is when I get asked the same question over and over and over again. I can handle the school related questions like when is this assignment due, how do you do this; but not the questions like why is my hair 60 times in one day. I want to scream because it is UP! Why does there have to be a reason why my hair is up and why can't I put my hair up without a big deal. So now there is a wrapper in the back of my room and between the day it was left and Wednesday I was asked probably 60 times why is there a Ramen wrapper in the back of your room?
      Now take my pet peeve and combine it with my lack of sleep and stress. See I was putting together an activity for my team: so I had to put together a list of who was going to what room and I was getting constant changes to that list plus I have to put my homework packets together for the students I needed to go to the homework rooms and I was even able to start them during prep because of helping all the other people on my team. So I was hurriedly doing them during Homeroom and Second Period which I was asked another 30 times while doing that Why is there Ramen on  the back counter? Now I cannot help but to think of my reaction if I was in classroom and there was trash on the back counter I would realize students are messy and rude because of that I would just through it away and I wouldn't even bother asking the teacher why the wrapper was there. Regardless I had another student in the middle of starters and asked me Why is there Ramen here? And I lost it....

      I began screaming with fire shooting our of my eyes "GIVE IT TO ME. GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!" The student looked genuinely terrified and the rest of the class was now staring at me. He handed me the wrapper I took it and with all of my energy and force I spun in my chair from facing the back wall to facing the front which is where the trash is. I took the wrapper and with all my force threw it in the trash while screaming, "BECAUSE IT IS TRASH NO ONE BOTHERED TO THROW AWAY." Now that I had lost it there was a part of me that realized that I was overreacting but another part of me that still believed it was totally justifiable.  So after I threw it away I began justifying my screaming to the class saying such things as.... I know it was only the first time this student asked the question but I have been asked it 60. You be asked the same question 60 times and see how you feel..... And on and on for probably a solid 5 minutes about that. Looking back that is the most ridiculous part of the whole thing is me believing I could justify screaming like that over trash. It was CRAZY!!!

    The worst part of it....Later I realized the seasoning that was part of the wrapper trash got spread over everything, my desk and computer, and so know I had made of mess of everything and I have to clean up seasoning off of everything and I had to shake every paper to get them off.

So that was the time I lost it. And now looking back I see how funny it was.