Thursday, May 10, 2012

Something More

Happy, Bubbling, Smiling
But there is more

Chasm of loneliness
Constantly threatening to overwhelm

Sadness so dark
Afraid it'll swallow me whole

Wanting so badly 
For someone to see
There is something more

Not ll the more is bad
Constant as the sun
Giving as a tree
Striving for perfection
Loving Unconditionally

Afraid of everything
Especially those who see
My secrets
My weaknesses
My sadness
My loneliness

Happy, Bubbly, Smiley
But Definitely 
Something More

Just Out of Reach

Just Out of Reach
Forced to sit by and watch
Trapped behind a wall
Wanting to be part of the game
But not knowing the rules

Everything I dream of
Just Out of Reach

I stretch and angle by arm
Wanting happiness so badly
Finally I Fall
Just Out of Reach

Plaster on the smile
Pretend I am not broken
Forced to watch everyone's happiness
Afraid to try
Forever it is
Just Out of Reach

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Gardener

Spring is finally here
It's been so long
Color returns
Laughter abounds
But everyone sees the flowers
No one sees the Gardener
She toils day and night
Promoting beauty and joy
She wants it to be perfect
To be a place of 
Play, laughter, picnics
But no one sees the Gardener
No one asks the Gardener
No one cares about the Gardener
She pays the price
With the tears no one sees
She makes it welcoming
With the pain she never shares
Spring is finally here
The Gardener's work never ends