Friday, July 16, 2010

Secrets Shhh!!!!

I have been thinking a lot about secrets recently. It was all when I heard a creepy haunting melody. I think the fact the melody is creepy and the words are kinda disturbing play a role on why this song has been in my head, sincerely it kinda creeps me out and gives me nightmares.
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead…

It made me start to think about secrets and what they mean and what role they play in people's lives. We all hold on to secrets like they are the most important things. We use secrets to have power over other people. Or the fact that we know people's secrets makes us feel good about ourselves and better than other people. But is that truly the case...

Like I said I have been thinking about this a lot. Secrets have always been central in my life because I have always kept myself a secret from most of the world. So the role secrets play in my life is HUGE!!! Seriously, secrets are one of the most important things to me. But are the secrets helping or hurting me. That is the part I have been questioning a lot recently. I keep everyone at a safe distance so they cannot hurt me but because I keep them at a safe distance I am often alone with all my secrets. As I was already contemplating the role secrets play in my life I have fallen in love with the One Republic song, which is not haunting and creepy, and says:
Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

I really thought a lot about this. I don't have any shame in my life and I really am sick of all the insincere. For awhile I really thought that maybe I should give all my secrets away. Maybe the burden really is to great and it is only holding me back. And though I think I do need to be more willing to give my secrets away because it can get lonely and like a prison that there is a place for secrets in our lives. Sometimes secrets protect the people we love most in the world from others who do not know them. Sometimes secrets aren't true secrets they are more confidential information. As long as we are not trying to hide things and deceive people I do believe that secrets have a role in a life and that it is okay to have secrets. So in the past month, because this started around June 20th, I have come full circle with secrets. From hiding all my secrets from the world and hiding myself, to hating them and how they give people power over me, to wanting to give all my secrets away, to realizing that I don't need to give all my secrets away to let people get to know me and realizing that secrets can play a vital and successful role in my life. Think about your own secrets? Which ones do you need to give away and let go of? Which ones have a health portion of your life? I know I am still taking inventory. The only thing I know for sure is I don't want my secrets to be the barrier between me and the people I love most in the world anymore.

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