Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hope has been this big thing with me recently. Honestly, it started with a film. "The Dark Knight," I don't know if you have heard of it; it is just the film that is breaking all the records right now. Anyways, in the film they bring out the idea that hope is one of the most important things you need in society. To ruin people you need to kill all their hope. It also made me think what would I be willing to sacrifice to make sure that people, society,and my self still have hope? This pondering made me start to realize just how many people I let control hope in my life. Namely BOYS. When they pay attention to me I get hopefully then they do something and I lose all hope that I will ever get the desires of my heart. Now the church teaches us just how much faith and hope are tied together. When you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ you have hope and when you have hope you are showing your faith. So I thought about whether or not I have hope in the promises the Lord has made for me and I have a resounding answer to that question.....YES BEYOND A DOUBT, which means that I cannot give the control of my hope over to some boy or some job or some friend. I must maintain hope and that is to remember ALWAYS that I have hope because I have faith. So when hope does waver, which it does quite easily honestly, I need to step back and say where is my faith because if I have faith then I have hope. The Lord will fulfill his promises to me. HOPE! We cannot live without us because it makes us better people. I have hope that tomorrow will be better because I have faith in Christ. You can almost use the words interchangeable. I have faith tomorrow will be better or I have hope tomorrow will be better both mean the same thing if your hope is also based on Christ. As someone reminded me Faith is based on things you know are true though you can't see it and hope when also not based on the same thing can just be a wish. Well I am signing off with two poems because I love poetry.

Hope Abides
Sri Chinmoy

Hope abides; therefore I abide.
Countless frustrations have not cowed me.
I am still alive, vibrant with life.
The black cloud will disappear,
The morning sun will appear once again
In all its supernal glory.

Hope of Loving
Meister Eckhart

What keeps us alive, what allows us to endure?

I think it is the hope of loving, or being loved.

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