Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Personal first

I have thought about how blogs are public. I am a very private person but here on my blog I write about very personal things. Now, my blog is not the cover of anonymity people know it is me and mainly my friends are the only ones who read it. So why do I feel like placing my thoughts on the internet is a SAFE enviroment!!!! I honestly don't know but there is no doubt that I do. Weird? I know. I share my personal thoughts online. Now I love it. This chance to express and think through. I need to write things to be able to process them and I feel my brain clogged when I don't have time to write about it. There are a couple posts I regret ever putting them on I was not calm or rational and I said hurtful things on them. I feel bad about my over reaction and I am sorry. This is my very public apology for it. I feel geniunely bad about it now. Still I have to say I love to be able to blog and work out my thoughts.

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