Friday, November 7, 2008

What's wrong with Quiet Nights at home

So there has been this stigma put on people who do not go on dates or out on friday nights. This stigma states that they are huge losers because they don't have anything to do on the weekend. Tonight I was listening to my friend play the piano and I started thinking about it and I realized some of my fondest memories have come from just chillin on the weekend.

I love being calm and at home. I love not having to worry about rushing here and there and having so much to do the next day as well. I like the feeling that I can sit and take it easy. I love love my nights at home on the weekend.

So I question everyone What is wrong with staying home on the weekend? Talking to the people who matter most in your life and just being able to sit calmly and take care of myself with a little rest and relaxation. It has been a long week and sitting at the home is the perfect re-energizer. Don't judge me. Go to your parties and on your dates but don't try to tell me I am a loser or wrong because I love my nights sitting here making jokes with my friends and listening to them play the piano beautifully.

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