Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Life of a Middle School Marm

Marm- what they used to school teachers in the 1800s

So my favorite thing about teaching is the kids...surprise, surprise. Most of the time it is because they really crack me up. Here a a couple of incidents recently..

The next couple are all from Mock Trial competition:

Jake: You have a friend name Jamie who is part of the crew?
Witness: Yes
Jake: You have called the crew a gang?
Witness: Yes
Jake: So Jamie is part of a gang named the crew?
Witness: Yes
Jake: So, you want us to believe that your friend Jamie is a gangsta?
Witness: yes, wait what?

Lawyer: So you are a bully?
Bradley: That's what she said.
Lawyer: You called out to Casey on March 31?
Bradley: Yeah, it is called reaching out

Then this is in forth period:

One of my kids always makes chicken noises and says he is a chicken, especially when he doesn't want to do work. One day he climbs into a cabinet I have I told him to get out and he said,"I can't because I am laying eggs..I am a chicken."It made me laugh.

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